SHS 1 Core Mathematics

Categories: SHS 1 CORE
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Development in almost all areas of life is based on effective knowledge of science and mathematics. There simply cannot be any meaningful development in
virtually any area of life without knowledge of science and mathematics. It is for this reason that the education systems of countries that are concerned about their
development put great deal of emphases on the study of mathematics. The main rationale for the mathematics syllabus is focused on attaining one crucial goal: to
enable all Ghanaian young persons to acquire the mathematical skills, insights, attitudes and values that they will need to be successful in their chosen careers
and daily lives. The new syllabus is based on the premises that all students can learn mathematics and that all need to learn mathematics. The syllabus is
therefore, designed to meet expected standards of mathematics in many parts of the world. Mathematics at the Senior High school (SHS) in Ghana builds on the
knowledge and competencies developed at the Junior High School level. The student is expected at the SHS level to develop the required mathematical
competence to be able to use his/her knowledge in solving real life problems and secondly, be well equipped to enter into further study and associated vocations
in mathematics, science, commerce, industry and a variety of other professions.


To meet the demands expressed in the rationale, the SHS Core Mathematics syllabus is designed to help the student to:

1. Develop the skills of selecting and applying criteria for classification and generalization.
2. Communicate effectively using mathematical terms, symbols and explanations through logical reasoning.
3. Use mathematics in daily life by recognizing and applying appropriate mathematical problem-solving strategies.
4. Understand the process of measurement and use appropriate measuring instruments.
5. Develop the ability and willingness to perform investigations using various mathematical ideas and operations.
6. Work co-operatively with other students in carrying out activities and projects in mathematics.
7. Develop the values and personal qualities of diligence, perseverance, confidence, patriotism and tolerance through the study of mathematics
8. Use the calculator and the computer for problem solving and investigations of real life situations
9. Develop interest in studying mathematics to a higher level in preparation for professions and careers in science, technology, commerce, industry
and a variety of work areas.
10. Appreciate the connection among ideas within the subject itself and in other disciplines, especially Science, Technology, Economics and

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What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of the instructional period students will be able to:
  • 1. Develop computational skills by using suitable methods to perform calculations;
  • 2. Recall, apply and interpret mathematical knowledge in the context of everyday situations;
  • 3. Develop the ability to translate word problems (story problems) into mathematical language and solve them with related mathematical knowledge;
  • 4. Organize, interpret and present information accurately in written, graphical and diagrammatic forms;
  • 5. Use mathematical and other instruments to measure and construct figures to an acceptable degree of accuracy;
  • 6. Develop precise, logical and abstract thinking;
  • 7. Analyze a problem, select a suitable strategy and apply an appropriate technique to obtain it‟s solution;
  • 8. Estimate, approximate and work to degrees of accuracy appropriate to the context;
  • 9. Organize and use spatial relationships in two or three dimensions, particularly in solving problems;
  • 10. Respond orally to questions about mathematics, discuss mathematics ideas and carry out mental computations;
  • 11. Carry out practical and investigational works and undertake extended pieces of work;
  • 12. Use the calculator to enhance understanding of numerical computation and solve real life problems

Course Content

Lesson 1 The Real Number System – Rational And Irrational Numbers

  • Video Lesson: The Real Number System – Rational And Irrational Numbers
  • Lesson Assessment

Lesson 2 Comparing And Ordering Numbers

Lesson 3 Comparing And Ordering Real Numbers

Lesson 4 Approximation And Rounding Off Nmbers

Lesson 5 Significant Figures

Lesson 6 Recurring Decimals

Lesson 7 Writing Numbers In Standard Form

Lesson 8 Properties Of Operations

Lesson 9 Binary Operations

Lesson 10 Operations On Binary Operations

Lesson 11 Introduction To Algebraic Expressions

Lesson 12 Operations On Algebraic Expressions

Lesson 13 Binomial Expressions

Lesson 14 Factorization

Lesson 15 Difference Of Two Squares

Lesson 16 Operations On Algebraic Expressions

Lesson 17 Undefined Or Zero Of An Algebraic Expression A

Lesson 18 Solution Set Of Linear Equations

Lesson 19 Word Problems Which Lead To Equations

Lesson 20 Linear Equations In One Variable

Lesson 21 Solving Linear Inequalities In One Variable

Lesson 22 Angles At A Point

Lesson 23 Angles Formed By Parallel Lines And Their Transversal

Lesson 24 Angle Properties Of Triangles

Lesson 25 Exterior Angle Theorem

Lesson 26 Right Angled Triangles

Lesson 27 Quadrilaterals

Lesson 28 Polygons

Lesson 29 Sets And Operations On Sets

Lesson 30 Finding The Number Of Subsets

Lesson 31 Operations On Sets

Lesson 32 Properties Of Set Operations

Lesson 33 Two Set Problems Using Venn Diagram

Lesson 34 Three Set Problems Using Venn Diagram

Lesson 35 Translation Of Objects Under Rigid Motion

Lesson 36 Counting In Bases Other Than Ten

Lesson 37 Converting From A Given Base To Another Base Aside Base Ten-32

Lesson 38 Converting Base 10 Numerals To Numerals In Other Bases And Vise Versa

Lesson 39 Converting From A Given Base To Another Base

Lesson 40 Addition And Subtraction In Other Bases Other Than

Lesson 41 Multiplication Of Number Bases

Lesson 42 Solving Equations Involving Number Bases

Lesson 43 Relations And Functions

Lesson 44 Functions

Lesson 45 Mapping

Lesson 46 Topic – Relations And Functions Sub-topic- Graphs Of Linear Functions-42

Lesson 47 Gradient Equation Of A Straight Line

Lesson 48 Magnitude Of A Straight Line

Lesson 49 Graphs Of Quadratic Function

Lesson 50 Graphs Of Quadratic Function

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